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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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December 11, 2011

makati: ayala symphony of lights 2011

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 10

Now in its third year, the Ayala Symphony of Lights in the Ayala Triangle (near Makati Stock Exchange) continues to draw and amaze crowds.

Ayala Triangle-Symphony of Lights
Makati Stock Exchange

I have not seen the previous years' light show (but I have seen photos) and this time I wanted to see it for myself. Finally got the chance last weekend. I also took it as an opportunity to shoot, however limited, around the area (Ayala Triangle) which on ordinary days are restricted to photographers (well at least those carrying SLRs).

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 9
before the show

It had been raining for several days already, especially during the afternoon and evening, but the sky decided to take a break last Saturday night. I hurried to Ayala and was able to catch the 2nd show of the night. The show runs every hour from 6PM to 9PM and each run takes about 10 minutes. That means I only have 3 chances of shooting the light show that night.

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 11
inflatable stars

The squandered the first chance, going around and trying to get a feel of the place. It was my first time and I did not know what'll happen (when certain lights will light up, what color, what sequences, where to best shoot, etc). I was also torn between shooting and actually enjoying the music and light display, and recording a video with by mobile device.

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 12
more stars

I found out that the light show is more video friendly (of course it is! :D). The light/colors quickly changes with the music (popular Christmas songs), so doing long exposures are not advisable. I bumped up my ISO up to a value where noise is still manageable (my DSLR is already considered a pre-historic so I don't have the luxury of high ISOs). Each of my shots was done using a short 3-8 second window.

There was also limited chance of changing POVs during the actual show. You'll risk bumping into other people completely transfixed on the light spectacle that is unfolding. So with 2 more shows remaining that night, I had only 2 chances of changing POVs. You'll see in the succeeding photos that the POVs are similar. What I tried capturing that night was the mood of the place.

Here's the first set:
Ayala-Symphony of Lights 2

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 3

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 15

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 14

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 13

Here are the photos from the last show of the night:

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 1

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 4

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 5

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 6

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 7

Ayala-Symphony of Lights 8

A side attraction (quite literally) is the Nativity Scene located in one corner. I saw photos of the previous year's "belen" and I think it was better.

Ayala Triangle Belen

Ayala Triangle Belen - Holy Family

More info:
  • Show is free
  • Runs every hour between 6PM to 9PM
  • Light designed by Voltaire de Jesus
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Admin/Author said...

Ganda! gusto ko din sanang puntahan ito, kaso ang layo sa amin at wala akong kasama, plus it is raining nga...haays! Anyway, I hope to get a glimpse of this before the shows end and even if many bloggers have featured it already. hehe.

Unknown said...

ganda! hope to experience this one.
buhay na buhay ang kuha

Pinoy Adventurista said...

i always pass by the place when going home after office... but i really haven't had the chance to watch it...

Lantaw said...

@Ding, you have to see it, and blog about it even if others already did. Each take is unique naman ;)

@palakanton, thanks!

@Pinoy adventurista, show starts on top of the hour, i-timing mo lang para hinde ka matagal maghintay

upto6only said...

great shots. it's been my 2nd year to watch the show and i find it still amazing.

pinaytunay said...

i gotta make the trip to see this! i esp love the first photo in the first set. that is my color!

XoXo said...

am happy to get a glimpse of the happenings of my homeland...thanks for sharing.

Sendo said...

inggit na inggit talaga ako sa mga lugar na maraming christmas lights...T_T unfortunately kasi...hindi dama ang Christmas spirit dito samin....parang semana santa pa...wala masyadong Christmas lights...bilang lang ang mga bahay na nagdi-display/show off, haha. T_T nagtitipid masyado...the lights are very TT ...gusto ko pumunta diyan!!

Anonymous said...

nice pics! would you know hanggang kelan ito? until today ba, 24?

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